Mouse (House Mouse)
Binomial Name: Mus musculus Identification: Weight: 12-30g Overall Length: 175mm including tail Colour: Brownish grey with a grey abdomen Life Cycle: The House mouse reaches…[...]
Binomial Name: Mus musculus Identification: Weight: 12-30g Overall Length: 175mm including tail Colour: Brownish grey with a grey abdomen Life Cycle: The House mouse reaches…[...]
Binomial Name: Pollenia rudis Identification: Overall Length: Adult is 3-6mm Colour: Adult is dark grey Other Features: Wings overlap when at rest Life Cycle: The…[...]
Binomial Name: Blatta orientalis Identification: Overall Length: Adult is 25mm Colour: Adult is dark brown, almost black Other Features: The tegmina (front wings) of the…[...]
Binomial Name: Blatella germanica Identification: Overall Length: Adult is 10-15mm Colour: Adult is yellowish-brown Other Features: Two distinctive dark parallel bands run the length of…[...]
Binomial Name: Supella longipalpa Identification: Overall Length: Adult is 10-14mm Colour: Adult is brownish-buff Other Features: Two brownish-yellow bands across the tegmina (wings) Life Cycle:…[...]
Binomial Name: Scutigera coleoptrata Identification: Overall Length: 13-40mm Colour: Greyish yellow to dark brown Other Features: One pair of legs per body segment Life Cycle: The…[...]
Binomial Name: Vespula spp. Identification: Overall Length: Adult worker is 12-18mm Colour: Adult worker is black and yellow Life Cycle: The fertilized queen can usually…[...]
Binomial Name: Polistes spp. Identification: Overall Length: Adult worker 15mm Colour: Adult worker is brownish black with thin yellow markings Life Cycle: Females will live…[...]