Binomial Name: Argiope sp. Identification: Overall Length: Adult male is 4-5mm while the female is 15-17mm Colour: Adult has a yellow, black and white abdominal…[...]
Binomial Name: Achoeareanea tepidariorum Identification: Overall Length: Adult is 8mm Colour: Adult has a round brown abdomen with no outstanding markings Life Cycle: The male and…[...]
Binomial Name: Sciurus carolinensis Identification: Overall Length: 43-50 cm Colour: Grey above, under parts paler grey; or entirely black Weight: 400-700 g Tail: 21-24 cm; flattened, bushy, grey…[...]
Binomial Name: Polistes spp. Identification: Overall Length: Adult worker 15mm Colour: Adult worker is brownish black with thin yellow markings Life Cycle: Females will live…[...]
Binomial Name: Vespula spp. Identification: Overall Length: Adult worker is 12-18mm Colour: Adult worker is black and yellow Life Cycle: The fertilized queen can usually…[...]