Wasps have a nasty reputation for being territorial and aggressive that may or may not be deserved. On the one hand, they can be large, are quite loud, and will leave behind a red, itchy welt when they sting.
But for the most part, wasps care little about human interaction. If they’re not in the nest, they are out searching for food (wasps forage over great distances) and will only attack if they feel that the nest is threatened.
Both wasps and bees seem ‘worse’ in the autumn months. That’s because they are out foraging and preparing their nest for winter.
Wasps reproduce throughout the spring and summer, so by the time fall comes around, their nests are at capacity. Add to that the fact that their preferred food source (other bugs and small flowers) are starting to run low, and you’ve got yourself a nest of stressed-out insects that are more prone to attack if provoked.
Which is exactly why trying to dispose of a wasp’s nest on your own is not recommended.
Unlike honeybees, who die after they sting you, wasps can sting repeatedly. Not only that, they release a chemical after stinging that attracts more wasps and triggers them to attack. A wasp sting can invoke all sorts of reactions. In most cases, one sting will leave you with red, itchy or sometimes painful welt that will usually go away in a couple of days. However, some people experience anaphylaxis from insect stings, and several stings at once can be life threatening even in people who don’t have allergies.
If you’ve found yourself with unwelcome campers in your backyard, the best practice would be to contact an exterminator. For pest control in Hamilton, click here.
Tips to Avoid a Wasp Infestation
Most wasps die before winter sets in, but it’s possible for queens to hibernate through the winter. They typically like to bed down in areas such as old wood piles, crevices or cracks in walls. Carefully search these areas and eliminate any surviving wasps you find.
As autumn sets in, a wasp will change its diet from small insects and flowers to other sources of sugar such as fruit or left-over soda. Be sure not to leave anything out in the yard that may attract a wasp; remember that they can travel long distances to forage, so be just as careful even if you don’t see a nest. In addition, secure lids for garbage bins and consider rinsing beverage containers before placing in the recycling bin.
Wasps also have a very keen sense of smell, which you can take advantage of to deter them from your yard. There are some smells they don’t like that you can use as a natural repellent, namely geranium flowers, lemongrass, clove, bay leaves, peppermint, vinegar, and sliced cucumbers.
But if that’s not enough to keep the pests away, call Beacon Pest Control. They’ve been providing pest control in Hamilton and surrounding areas for years. Click here to schedule a consult.